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Support InsignificantTokyo

It's true. I never did before, but now InsignificantTokyo needs your help. I've bombed college and really don't have much hope as far as normal successes are concerned. Despite being repeatedly tested to have an IQ of higher than 180... despite everyone saying how well I was gonna do... I bombed. Well. Not gonna bother you with my woes. Point is I'm not safe financially in the least. So support is very much appreciated. How can you help?

Well. Spreading the word will always help. The more readers I have the more people I have to continue to spread the word and get even more readers. And the more readers I have... the more people I have who may want to support me financially.

How can you support me financially? Well, there's the InsignificantTokyo store. I get $1 for every item except the stickers, where I get 50 cents. Not much, but it can help. Besides... it's kinda satisfying to know that people would be getting InsignificantTokyo stuff. A boost to a weak ego which has been taking more and more blows of late.

Of course, a straightforward financial donation could work. But I don't have a way of getting donations via credit cards or anything... stuff would need to be mailed to me, and furthermore I don't know how one would go about claiming donations for tax status or anything like that. If you want to work out a way to do something like this, email me.

I appreciate your concern.



This comic is Copyrighted by the artist. All rights reserved.
EMAIL US! Oh za spammage: Richard - Orfos